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Citation flow is a metric used in search engine optimization (SEO) to evaluate the authority and influence of a webpage or website based on the quantity of incoming links it receives. Developed by Majestic, a prominent SEO tool, citation flow provides valuable insights into the link profile and potential search engine rankings. The concept of citation flow revolves around analyzing the number of citations or backlinks a webpage or website has acquired. These citations represent the links that direct users to a particular page, whether they originate from within the same website (internal links) or from external sources (external links). The more citations a webpage accumulates, the higher its citation flow score will be, indicating a stronger online presence and potential for better search engine rankings. Citation flow primarily focuses on measuring the quantity of links, disregarding the quality or relevance of those links. It provides a numerical value that reflects the overall link popularity and authority of a webpage. However, it is essential to remember that citation flow alone does not guarantee the credibility or trustworthiness of the content presented on the webpage. While citation flow plays a significant role in assessing a webpage's link profile, it should be considered alongside other metrics to obtain a more comprehensive evaluation. For example, trust flow is another metric that analyzes the quality and trustworthiness of the linking domains, offering additional insights into the reliability of the webpage. Majestic's algorithm calculates citation flow by considering various factors. It takes into account both internal and external links, providing a comprehensive view of the webpage's link profile. Moreover, the algorithm weighs links from authoritative and relevant sources more heavily, recognizing their importance in determining the overall influence and value of the webpage. It's important to note that citation flow is just one aspect of SEO analysis. Other factors such as the relevance of the linking domains, anchor text diversity, and content quality also contribute to a webpage's authority and visibility in search engine results.

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